
Note: this page is about Content API V1. Conent API V2 is now in Beta testing and available for developers in Lionbridge's staging environment. All new development should be done in V2. Only existing clients already working with Content API V1 should consult this page.

Key Concepts

The following diagrams show how commonly used API methods work together as part of the translation management process:

Connector Workflows

a.) When the content to translate is a file

b.) When the content to translate is part of a key-value pair

Status Update

The status update API communicates the progress of a job through the following states.

Status Description


The Connector created the job for sending out the translation request to the translation provider.
PENDING The Connector is preparing the translation request for translation.
SENDING The Connector is sending out the translation request to the Clay Tablet Platform for delivery to the translation provider.
SENDING_TO_COPY_BACK The Connector is preparing to copy the translation request from the source locale to the target locale, without sending them out for translation.
SENT_TO_PLATFORM The Connector sent the translation request to the Clay Tablet Platform for delivery to the translation provider.
SENT_TO_TRANSLATOR The Clay Tablet Platform sent the translation request to the translation provider.
IN_TRANSLATION The translation provider has received the translation request and has not yet returned the translated item.
REVIEW_TRANSLATION The Connector has received the translated asset back from the translation provider, and it is ready for review.
TRANSLATION_REJECTED A Connector user has reviewed and rejected the translated asset.
COMPLETED A Connector user has reviewed and approved the translated asset.
COMPLETED_NO_NEED_TO_TRANSLATE There is no translatable content in this translation request.
COMPLETED_COPY_BACK The Connector has finished copying the translation request in the job from the source locale to the target locale.
CANCELLED The job was canceled and the assets were not translated.