Select from many different translation options to get the most cost effective translation of your content.
70+ Locales, 40+ content types, multiple payment models.
Backed by the industry's largest translation company.
Only pay for the translation quality level that you need.
Well documented REST API
The Lionbridge Content API is the first complete open translation API. By integrating with our API, you will have access to:
Lionbridge is the largest translation company in the world with over 100,000 translators. We can localize your content into 70 different locales.
Our translation API is the first to support all major translation quality levels: machine translation, machine translation + human post edit, crowd translation,professional translation and specialist translation. This means you only need to write to a single API to access the full range of translation services.
You can pay for customer projects and then bill your customers, or your customers can pay us directly. You can even pay for some of your customers' translations and have them pay for the rest. Payment can be made by PayPal, creating a pre-paid balance, or qualify for credit with a purchase order and have us bill you later.
With over $500 million in revenue and ranked as a Top 100 Most Trusted Company by Forbes. Writing to an API is a commitment to another organization.