Key Concepts
Lionbridge Content API is built on the following concepts:

A token is an access token that enables you to communicate with the API. When you are granted access to Lionbridge Content API, you will be given a client id and secret pair for each of your connector instances. Use the Lionbridge's identity endpoint and client credential workflow to obtain access token. Please note that the client id and secret that grant you access to Content API staging environment do not give you access to Content API production environment. Lionbridge will provide you with new client id and secret to work in Content API production environment.
Note: if as early clients of Content API v2 Staging environment you had been given temporary access token, you should switch to the client credential workflow and use client id and secret to obtain access token. The temporary access token you got do not work in Content API production environment, and will stop working in staging environment in near future. Please contact Lionbridge support if you have not received client id and secret to replace your temporary access token.

A translation provider provides translation services. Lionbridge support team will setup translation provider(s) that you have access to. Lionbridge Content API delivers translation jobs to the translation provider that you specify.

A translation job is a container of translation requests that is sent as a single unit to the translation provider.

A translation request is a content item for translation. It can be either:
- an asset (file)
- a set of key-value pairs (KVP), typically representing field names and field values of a content item in your content system
A translation request also specifies the source language it is in and the target language it needs to be translated into,
One more more translation requests are packaged into a single translation job for sending to a translation provider.

A source file can be a file thatyou submit to Lionbridge to translate, a support file that helps translators to translate your content, or a translation memory update file you submit to Lionbridge. Content API itself does not have any limit on the type of files that it accepts, but individual translation provider may have limit on the types of files that it can work with.

A file contains the translated (target) content that Lionbridge retrieves from the translation provider and then returns to the Connector.

Translation content is a key-value pair (KVP) that has been translated by the translation provider. If you submit a Translation content as KVP then you would retrieve the translation of it as Translation content.

A status update communicates the progress of a job through the following states:
Job Statuses
In Content API, translation jobs can have the following statuses:
Status | Description |
The Connector has created the job. The job has not been sent out yet. |
SENDING | The Connector is sending out the translation job to the translation provider. |
SENT_TO_PROVIDER | The Connector has sent the translation job to the translation provider, but provider has not confirmed translation work has started yet. |
IN_TRANSLATION | The translation provider has received the translation job and has started working on it. |
COMPLETED | Connector user has marked the translation job as completed. No new translation will be processed afterwards. |
CANCELLED | The job was canceled and the untranslated requests will not be translated. |
Request Statuses
Translation requests in a job can have the following statuses:
Status | Description |
The Connector created the translation request. The translation request has not been sent out yet. |
SENDING | The Connector is sending out the translation requests to the translation provider as part of translation job. |
SENT_TO_PROVIDER | The Connector has sent the translation request to the translation provider as part of translation job, but provider has not confirmed translation work has started yet. |
IN_TRANSLATION | The translation provider has received the translation request and has started working on it. |
REVIEW_TRANSLATION | The translation request has been translated by the provider, and is ready for retrieval and review |
TRANSLATION_REJECTED | A Connector user has reviewed and rejected the translated request. |
TRANSLATION_APPROVED | A Connector user has reviewed and approved the translated request. |
CANCELLED | The translation request has been canceled. |